Gallery 2022_08
V1900 " Emotional peace "
Peace is the
place which I only dream.
Peace is the sun without any fear.
Peace is a fire changed into a calm.
The place without any hate you will find in your heart.
It´s the moment you hear the birds voices and you understand.
It´s the deep connection with nature and be a part of them.
Peace is the calm before the storm.
It´s a place where the positive vibes are no fight nor destroyed.
Let´s find the peace with emotions you have.
If you are lucky and loved there is no illusion or death.
This is the most important message from the bottom of my heart and soul.
Let´s be connected again and find your "HOME"
What is peace?
It's an emotion.
Positive and negative energy in harmony.
Dot, point, beginning and end.
It's something and also nothing.
It's a boundary without limits.
V8185 " The bird song "
Acrylic on canvas 100x70x2 cm
V6815 " Mint valley "
Už víte jak voní mintové údolí ?
Přivoňte si pohledem.
Acrylic on canvas 100x70x2 cm
NFT collection
V1231 " Cotton candy "
Acrylic on canvas 100x70x2 cm NFT collection
V40827 " What is love ? "
Love is a romance book, no shadows, no fights.
It´s a drink of sweetness that you always want to have.
Love is our world you never forget.
Co je láska ?
Láska je nikdy nekončící dech.
Láska je kniha, kterou se učím znám nazpaměť.
Je to nekonečný opar vášně v mé mysli.
Je to koktejl barev, co nesmyslně se mísí.
Je to otázka i odpověď pozpátku.
Nemusím znát hned, co vidím jako hádanku.
Acrylic on canvas 100x70x2 cm
V9303 " Silence "
Silence is a place where I find peace.
Silence is a space where itˇs cold and hot but it answers indeed.
If I hear silence I always ask questions.
Hearing the silence brings a good connection with the inner world I need to paint.
Silence is my friend, my light I would never leave again.
Ticho je prostor, kdy zůstanu stát.
Ticho je místo, kdy mne myšlenky začnou hřát.
Když slyším ticho, slyším hlas.
Volá mou duši znovu a zas.
Je to místo, kde začínám se ptát.
Své odpovědi mi ticho tak dává vždy znát.
Acrylic on canvas 100x70x2 cm