Gallery 2023_01

V70433  " Galaxy lady "

My face comes with a different energy. 

Wish I would bring you into my world, to show you the best of feelings I know.

Many emotions change into the love of yourself,

However, your eyes are still blind and you donť feel that tone.

Find a connection with yourself and OPEN your mind again !

Galaxy lady

Vidět mou tvář napůl zahalenou v energii, toužím vidět a znát tvůj svět. Mne pohání však přání jiný.

Co ovládá tvůj hlas i svět ?

Světla z dálky volají a chtějí slyšet smích.

Oči a uši však vzdálené jsou k prosbám světů budoucích.

Tak vstávej, už je čas přestat snít a začni konečně svůj život naplňovat a žít !

Acrylic on canvas  70x100x2 cm



V5914  " Flower´s tears "

Flower´s tears are falling fast.

Seems that my mind is stuck in the past.

Wash my brain, my thoughts are clear.

Seeing the future, my love is here.

Acrylic on canvas  100x70x2 cm 

NFT collection


V7967 " Universe friend          "

Acrylic on canvas 70x100x2 cm  

           FOR SALE

V6687  " Knock knock "

Who´s there ?

"Nobody" is here.

Only "nobody" seeing the light, when you´re

screaming and crying th whole night.

Only "nobody" can see the dark.

As shadows of danger or becoming a shark.

Acrylic on canvas 100x70x2 cm                               FOR SALE

V6411 "  Floral landing  "

 Acrylic on canvas 100x80x2 cm

It´s a place where birds land.

It´s food they find and spend their time.

Connection between flowers and birds is there.

Enjoy this moment and try to share.



V6653  "  Galaxy portales  "

Different portals,different lives and different paths. They all represents the connection between the known and the unknown.

Acrylic on canvas 100x70x2 cm